Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The once a month post

Just realised it's just me posting once a month. So here's the vid of the month. Hahaha

My Cubicle - Watch more free videos

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Complaints Choir of Singapore - Live

(taken from cloudywind)

We get fined for almost everything
Drivers won't 'give chance' when you want to 'change lane'
The indoors are cold, the outdoors are hot;
And the humid air, it wrecks my hair
Those answering machines always make you hold
Only to hang up on you

When a pregnant lady gets on the train
Everyone pretends to be asleep
I'm stuck with my parents till I'm 35
Cause I can't apply for HDB
We don't recycle any plastic bags
But we purify our pee

What's wrong with Singapore?
Losing always makes me feel so sore
Cause if you're not the best
Then you're just one of the rest

My oh my Singapore
What exactly are we voting for?
What's not expressly permitted
is prohibited


When I'm hungry at the food court, I see
People 'chope' seats with their tissue paper
To the aunty staying upstairs:
Your laundry's dripping on my bed sheets
Please don't squat on the toilet seats
And don't clip your nails on MRT

Stray cats get into noisy affairs
At night my neighbor makes weird animal sounds
People put on fake accents to sound posh
And queue up 3 hours for donuts
Will I ever live till eighty five
to collect my CPF?

Singaporeans too kiasu! (so scared to lose)
Singaporeans too kiasi! (so scared o die)
Singaporeans too kiabor!(scared of their wives)
Maybe we're just too stressed out! (even the kids)


Old National Library was replaced by an ugly tunnel
Singaporean men can't take independent women
People blow their nose into the swimming pool
And fall asleep on my shoulder in the train

Singapore's national bird is the crane (the one with yellow steel girders)
Real estate agents' leaflets clogging up my mailbox (en bloc, en bloc; en bloc, en bloc)
Why can't we be buried when we die?
No one wants to climb Bukit Timah with me


There are not enough public holidays
My neighbor sings KTV all night
Wedding dinners never start on time
My hair is always cut shorter than I want
Channel 5 commercials are way too long
Why do men turn bald?

At first it was to speak more mandarin
Then it was to speak proper English
What's wrong with my powderful Singlish?

People sit down during rock concerts
We have to pay for tap water at restaurants
ERP gantries are everywhere
But I can still see traffic jams on the road
All the bus stops have tilted benches to keep you off balance

Monday, March 3, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away

It's been a tiring day. Whole day learning about sailing. And just when we're about to get out into the water, the sky turned grey and it was going to rain. Ended up only practiced capsizing before heading back to the classroom. Tmr promises to be out the whole day, so hoping for the best. Test comes on Wed, then Sat got 1st aid test. This is becoming to feel like the mid terms, but this time round, half the module was taught in 3 full days. So.... gonna study to pass the test. Haiz, never knew I had to do this after I grad.

Another long day ahead, so gonna turn in early again. I'll leave u another vid, or music vid, a rather long music vid to be extact. It's by R Kelly, titled Trapped In The Closet.

Here's the links, dun want to vid to slow down loading the page.
Part 1
Part 2
Weird Al" Yankovic spoof (yeah, there's even a spoof)

Have fun listening to it. Don't die laughing...

To those with midterms, all the best!!!
To those with FYP, jia you!! You're almost at the end!!
To those busy with hall events, enjoy it while u can!!
Oh and dun forget to apply for Hall stay!!


Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Few Things I Learnt In Hall

After staying in Hall for so long, I manage to learn a few things which I started noticing when I moved back home.

1. You start to realise that you can stay in ur room for hours on end and never come out. Except for going the toilet, or to eat, or to settle ur laundry. (sounds like hooked on WoW)

2. You don't ever need the TV again. Your TV became the computer, which from the internet, can watch almost anything. Even though I have cable, I almost never need it, cept for soccer matches and some local tv. And there's too much american tv out there waiting for u.

3. Your computer is everything. It does your work, is your entertainment center, your pirate center. Now trying to doing everything at the same time and stress it out. Like american express, you can't do without it and when u leave home, you think about whether to leave it on to download before going out.

4. The internet connects you to the world. Without it you're like a hermit stuck on bukit timah hill. (Hell, i think they even have wireless there now) When your router breaks down, it's like your girlfriend breaking up with you. And you make sure it's work again within hours.

5. You realise you have double of everything, like toiletries, which should keep you in stock till the end of the year and beyond.

6. You also learn to keep a stash of food in the room for the midnite hunger dash, instead of heading to the kitchen and waking the whole family. A midnite snack is also always a part of the plan. And kicking the habit is like staying away from drugs or having a nicotine patch.

That's all I can think of now. Happy CNY everyone!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Longest Day

I don't think that since the time Winston Churchill first said it during WWII, have the lives of so many depended on so few.

Ok so i'm a sucker for hyperbole. But nonetheless, the cocktail of ecstasy and adrenaline that rushed through your body once the referee blew the final whistle was comparable to hearing 'Sheares Hall' declared winners of a coveted shield at Rag. And the strangest part is that it was just a prelim game. It shouldn't have been so close. But we went through with the slimmest of margins, hitting our exact target of a 2 goal victory, coming back off a loss, coming back from a 3-nil start, to take a place in the semis. Too close for comfort I tell you.

And that's why the title of this post. Friday is my packed day - 10 to 6 with a lunch break. And in none of my 6 hours of lecture could I pay full attention to what was going on in class, whether it was the baby carrier that broke apart in our materials failure case study, or questioning the definition of life in my complexity lesson, or finally the agonizingly long final lesson from 4-6 on heat cycles where I was constantly shaken from my peaceful slumber by a certain Neo Jun Leong. But I digress. None of us I bet was fully concentrating on academic matters today, our eyes fixed on the clock ticking away ever so slowly to the fateful hour. All we could think of was the game. We'd gotten ourselves into this precarious position by losing to TH, thus forcing ourselves into a do-or-die game tonight, and to make matters worse it was a derby!

But in the end all the anxiety and anticipation, cold feet and sweaty palms, ended in relief as we clawed our way back into the competition. The derby was a nail-biter and surprisingly didn't get ugly at any point of time (kudos to KR too for playing with good spirit!).

However the biggest thank you has to go out to the supporters who did come down to cheer us on, even as the Sea of Orange was thinned due to the concurrent chingay dance rehearsal.

To the 8 short boys, old and new, thanks for always being by our side without fail, spurring the crowd on whenever there's a lull, and being our pillars of strength whenever needed.

To the level 7 girls (and joyce the wolf-crier too!) thanks for coming down and shrieking away to glory and getting an earful for your earfuls too! Your unabashed support is greatly appreciated!

Lookin' forward to getting this show on the road - semifinals on Monday - another day of
misplaced concentration and anticipation.

Hope to see you all there again!!

PS. This also happens to be our blog's post number 42 :D