Sunday, October 28, 2007

CCB: "The Mystery" - Pasta-mania (1)

There are many mysteries going unnoticed on the grounds over your head. Strange water flying around, strange ladies appearing out of nowhere, strange noises heard at night, and strange images haunting the occupants. "The Mystery" aims to shed some light on these happenings, and perhaps offer some reconciliations for the events that should not have happened, but happened anyway.

Today "The Mystery" looks at the Mystery of The Appearing Pasta.

Names and events have been changed to protect the identities of the party involved.

James Chen is like any ordinary man. It was indeed like any other ordinary Sunday. But events that follow is anything but. Having spent the entire day doing something that shall not be revealed yet, James was hungry. Breakfast with family was good, but apparently not filling enough. What can 2 pieces of Yew Char Kuey do?

He contemplated cooking noodles, maybe add some eggs, or probably just cook corn soup. But he was out of bowls, 'cause you see, he haven't been washing the bowls he was using couple of days ago. Oh, that dirty bastard. Shockingly he contemplated just cooking with the dirty bowl, when out of the blue there was a gentle knock on his door.

What follows was series of blurry exchanges.

Lady: Hey *** somebody asked me to pass you this.
James: What the...? Who was it?

At this point the lady giggles, to the chagrin of the rest of the hungry souls of James' wing-mates

Lady: It was somebody called ***
James: Who is that? Who?
Lady: She's called ***. I don't know.
Lady: I don't know all the people living in the Block ok..

James: *bleep* *bleep* la, I need to go toilet..

Questions. Who was the person sending James this 'thing'? Why does he needs to go to toilet immediately after receiving the 'thing'? Is it some sort of a communication ritual all James' wing-mates doesn't know, or shouldn't know? Why was James shocked? Was he expecting something else? And what is this 'thing'?

Yes this 'thing' is the innocent yummy looking pasta. But it is anything but. Look at the way the prawn is placed. As if screaming "I'm lonely, I need you". And if you count, I'm sure you will, there are exactly 116 strands of pasta in that bowl. 11/6, November 6th, James' birthday. Coincidental? I don't think so. Most shockingly, there was NO notes given with the pasta. Usually, from experience, this kind of occurrence comes with notes. Love notes, hate notes, etc. But no notes. This can only mean that there is more to this than mere overdue Buaya Week goodie. Sure the pasta filled our poor James' stomach. But there are too many questions unanswered. And "The Mystery" will go to great lengths to uncover the truth.

At this moment James is quietly enjoying the pasta. The plot thickens with the receipt of an anonymous text message, and an anonymous telephone call... "The Mystery" returns with more uncovered details, details that James himself would die protecting.

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