Wednesday, October 3, 2007

First Post

1.... 2.... 1.... 2.... 3....
We sons of Sheares Hall, we...

Okay, so the blog works. Why a separate blog for block C level 8? Don't worry this isn't a secession or a revolution or what not, its just to divert some of our traffic to a different channel to avoid cluttering up the Block C diary with the overwhelming amount of videos, pictures, stories and anecdotes that we have to share.

Contributions to the Diary will still continue, and highlights from here will surely be posted there as well, but if you're just a little curious to find out more about what happens behind the blue curtain once it's drawn, this is specially for you.

Why 8short? Because we're level 8 short wing (though there is no long wing) and 8 short sounds like headshot which is a commonly used piece of jargon from Counter Strike, which is one of the many official sports up here. Other official sports include swimming, tennis, hockey, handball, ponding, monopolising, buayaing and candid cameraing.

Stay tuned for videos from the past, present and future and feel free to comment and contribute


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