Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Last Days

Potato just told me that today is going to be his last day of school. Ever.

Unless of course he goes to grad school.

But even then, how time flies. 3 and a half years. Screw that. 22 years of school. Of carefree childhood. Of innocent youth.

We complain every morning when we have to wake up for class, all the way from kindergarten, to jc, even in university, that we have to go to school. When it's your last day of school, suddenly all those years didnt seem so bad huh?

Potato, i'm not trying to bum you out by rubbing it in, but i'm saying this in the hope that I and everyone else around us or who reads this blog, cherishes every remaining day of school life, or life in school, (especially those who've enjoyed it), and for those who don't enjoy it, maybe you could take notice and appreciate the little things around you in school that make these memories so precious, and savor them before its time to get into the merciless working world.

Little things like knowing what time the buses frequent each bus stop, so that you know you can buy your subway and still be in time for that once-every-half-hour bus that takes you back to hall on a wednesday night after a long and shagenating handball training. Or missing that bus and cursing your judgment of time but being pleasantly surprised by a BTC that shows up at the YIH bus stop shortly thereafter.
Or reaching your morning lecture early for a change, and just relaxing in your chair, watching people stream in, someone reading the newspaper, someone blogging away on their laptop, another taking a nap after their long ride to school (which makes you appreciate your proximity).
Cheap food. Free medical care. Great sports facilities. Bazaars. The fact that you can wake up one morning, look and the dreary weather outside your window and just say "ah fuck it" and go back to sleep and drop an email to your prof later saying you had something on (if he's bothered) and take the rest of the day off and do this as many times as you like (something you so cant do once you're working). The list is endless. And i'll sure i'll come up with a longer and more organized list soon.

But just wanted to write out something when potato threw this curveball at me out of the blue, and this will be us in six months time. Like i said man, this wasnt meant to bum you out - we've had awesome times together in hall, and i'm sure we'll continue to because you're definitely coming back, but we will sure as hell miss you around here when you don't. Hope you enjoy your last day of school. Do shit you've never done before in school. Take pictures of the lecture while its in progress. Stand up and ask a question halfway thru the lecturer's sentence. Put your legs up on the chair infront of you (make sure no one's sitting there first. Heck, do it even if there is!). Eat during your tutorial and if the tutor looks at you funny, offer him some food. Take a 'souvenir' from your lab. Video your entire last day!

Anyway, lets hope you manage to get that apartment we were talking about and we can carry on the 8-short legacy there!

Here's some random pictures i rummaged from our archives

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