Sunday, November 4, 2007

8Short-lived Halloween

An excerpt from the block C diary, posted by our dear blockhead in response to our stunt in the lift. Unfortunately it scared the bejeezus out of our resident toddler and had to be taken down prema

Halloween is here...

Being the lazy person that i am, i wanted to take the lift up to
level four to reach the comm hall this morning... even though i was on level three.

To my horror, this is what i found in the lift..

wah lao.

# posted by joyceh- @ 12:12 PM 0 Comments

For a link to the accompanying back-story about peter, here's the post from the diary..
hmm apparently individual posts on the diary don't have their own links.. strange..
anyhow.. just go to the diary and search Peter if you're curious. :)

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