Sunday, December 30, 2007

There and back again

So i'm back. No not yet to Singapore. But back to Delhi after making a trip to Bombay for a great Indian wedding. I went with my family, we took an overnight train (about 18 hours) back and forth, and spent about 7-8 days there in between.

Through the course of that trip i got to meet a lot of old friends in Bombay (where i grew up) and some old enemies too (namely food poisoning and humidity). Thus, I was bedridden for most of the trip but still managed to play lots of tennis and take a few pictures while i was at it.

Now i'm back in Delhi where we're having the coldest day of the winter (so far) at 3 degrees Celsius. We've been having a few sunny days of late but today is just frigid. I woke up to the news that united's given up their lead overnight, and then decided to stay in the blankets a little while longer.

4 more days before I begin my journey back to Hall. Anyone want anything from India?

more pictures from my latest trips HERE

Monday, December 17, 2007


Since I last posted, the sun has decided to grace the frigid climes of Delhi and provides some respite from the biting cold, allowing for some great trips around the city, mostly on foot, but also via the new Delhi Metro (mrt) with the occasional connecting trip having to be made by cycle rickshaw. The bleak skies lit up during the day make for some nice black and white photos too, too many of which to post here on the blog so i've put them up on facebook and you can check them out via this link even if you dont have facebook or dont want to log in.

That aside, i'm off the bombay today for about 10 days, so i wont be online as regularly. Bombay should be warmer, but not hot - about a consistent 25 degrees. Hope to get some intensive tennis played while I'm there. Will post if anything interesting happens.

In the mean time, where the F#)$k is everyone is else?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Updates from India

Ok so this is my first of hopefully many more posts from my holiday. Now that i'm slightly better acclimatized to the frigid temperatures, i should try to get out more and take some pictures and have some adventures. My camera was out of battery until this morning too, which i regret not bringing with me to the army hospital that i just went to for a check up. I especially didnt carry the camera along since i didnt really expect to see anything picture-worthy at the hospital of all places. But upon reaching there i realised that i shouldve brought it along after all since the hospital was really quaint and very old world - probably in the same state that the British had left it in when they left the country (the exteriors atleast) - sprawling barracks converted into various wards, old wooden sign boards with the various departments and specialists' names on it, etc.

Anyway, here are random things that i did get to take pictures of before my camera died.

Good daily breakfasts at home (no offense to uncle V)

My Dad and me before heading out the Navy Ball (something like the navy's DnD)

My Dad checking out Walking Canes at a handicrafts shop. A walking cane is not as long as a walking stick, but its just something you generally carry around with you when youre out on a walk so that in case a dog or some other form of wildlife jumps out in front of you you can beat it away and carry on with your delightful stroll.

more pics to come now that my batteries are back and the sun is out!