Sunday, January 20, 2008

8Short Quality Time - Part 1

The doldrums are over,
the holidays are gone,
the term's underway,
and we're again siao on.

Yes its true, 8short is back to its old ways, owing much to the completion of resident mugger Heng Jung Kiat's submission of his FYP and the utter disregard amongst the rest of us for our own projects. Potato moved out, Fulin moved in and started complaining that level 8 is quite quiet of late, so we've decided to rectify the situation in honor of our newest member. Ironically though, he couldn't join us for most of our recent activities - but fear not - there shall be many more to come.

So as for now, its been daily breakfasts at around 8am whereabout Jung Kiat will come around waking people up in a novel manner each day, drawing on his creativity time and again to figure how next to shake us from our slumber. Highlights include blowing the little SMB horn in our ears, to spraying deep heat, to even jumping on the edge of our beds causing the unsuspecting snoozer to roll off his bed. Good times.

Besides breakfast, the first outing was our post-departure reunion with potato, where we went o vivocity to watch Cloverfield on friday night.

We'd been waiting to watch this a realllly long time. Here's my review: Its definitely worth watching in a cinema to best experience and appreicate JJ Abram's production brilliance, but perhaps not worth watching on a weekend for the casual movie-goer. As for the movie per se, it was like watching 3 seasons of Lost in 90 minutes. Too many questions, too few answers, great thrills and mysteries, but no satisfaction. The first 89 minutes were noteworthy.

In short, it was enjoyable till it got over.

Here are pictures from the night

JK Testing Ian's vision without his specs. Question: How many fingers? Answer: Three. (correct ans is 5)

jk and ian gaying it up

outside GV - reunion with potato

jk trapped between the two towers


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