Friday, October 19, 2007

CCB: "Days that shook the World" - P2

Previously on "Days that shook the World", one man's quest, "Oh, I dun mind actually..", one lady's agony, "Er... haha", and the world's burning question, "Who is the lady?" We call experts to help us piece together the story leading to the shocking event and fill those damning gaps in today's "Days that shook the World".

Following previous episode we found out that Mr. P did indeed asked the lady to be his partner for nite-cycling. But recent revelations showed that he has more in his mind than mere tandem-ing. What was his "intentions"? This and many more questions, right here, right now.

The following events and names have been changed slightly to protect the identities of parties involved.

The following partial excerpt of the MSN conversation is NOT a dramatised reconstruction, it is extracted from the actual transcript, as Mr. P himself would attest to. We shall now look at the conversation more closely.

After having established that the lady was indeed in her room, Mr. P proceeded with his "intentions". What were his "intentions"? Only he knew.

P:just wondering.. so wat *tut* said is true ah? u wanna ask me for nite cycling is it?
The lady did not reply for a long time. Unknown to Mr. P, she was panicking. She was always a SHY lady, how would she respond to this kind of question? Not only that, it was clear that Mr. P had structured his question such that the lady had difficulty refusing. Such techniques are common for predators. We ask Mr. John Oliver, an expert from The Imaginary Criminology Department. He answers, "Looking at his sentence structure, starting with 'just wondering' he clearly caught the lady off-guard. By posing an 'is it true?' question, followed by YOU WANNA ASK ME FOR NITE-CYCLING?, he then leaves the lady with little choice but accepting. This is a classical long-lost technique called INSTEAD I ASKING HER, WHY NOT ASK HER ASK ME technique, usually only used by high level predators".

Lady: hey sorry! was running ard the blk jus now.. ahaha.. why? u wana ask me ah?
P: haha... dun mind...
The lady, sensing the danger, probably her feminine instincts giving her warning signals, tried to negate Mr. P's question by cleverly deflecting the question away. She was hoping that Mr. P would take the hint, and ASK her properly like a gentleman. But his predatory instincts was strong. This man, Mr. P is a cold, calculative crocodile. Mr. John Oliver agrees that Mr. P's response was a stroke of genius. By HAHA-ing, and DUN MIND-ing he inadvertently assumes that the lady would say yes, and that he wouldn't have to actually put his intentions to ask the lady's permissions to have her as his partner for nite-cyling in an actual physical sentence.

Lady: ok. i can go with u! hahaa
To the untrained eyes, the lady seemed to have agreed to go tandem-ing with Mr. P, despite the fact that Mr. P had never made a FORMAL request or invitation. But according to our expert, Ms. Samantha Bee, from The Imaginary Department of Psychology of the National Health Centre, the sentence above is anything but. "By punctuating an affirmative sentence with the famous H-A-H-A-A code, she was actually saying NO, NO, NO, NO, NOOOOOO". But Mr. P already assumes that she said yes, and thus there is nothing the lady can do.

P: nvm... if *tut-tut* ask u then it's ok..
P: it's up to u..
Mr. P then made his final move by acting seemingly innocent. Knowing that the lady is actively asking some other people to go with her, he coyly allows the lady choice. This, according to Mr. Jack Black from The Imaginary Anti-Predator Council, is the all-famous IF YOU DARE TO GO WITH OTHER PPL I WILL CRY LIKE A BABY move. A technique that will irresistibly make the lady ASK HIM to go tandem-ing, as if she was the one with the "intentions" instead of Mr. P himself.

Lady: hey so how? ride with u? confirm!?
Lady: ???
P: alrite then
And surely enough, the lady HAD TO ASK, instead of the other way around. And she said YES, even as she was screaming NO. Mr. P had sealed the deal, like a true blue predator.

So there you go, from Mr. P's seemingly innocent question at the start, he had use the sacred MSN to poach for a nite-cycling partner. That too BEHIND HIS FELLOW WING MATES. And most shockingly, he coyly admitted of having the lady asked him, when in actual fact it was him with the "intentions". In the end, the main premises of "Days that shook the World" part 1 stand. That Mr. P firstly assumes that the lady WANTS to go tandem-ing with him. That he secondly did not ask the lady in PROPER manner, but OVER MSN. That he thirdly did this behind his wing mates, and then coyly disclosed that he already had a partner for nite-cycling because A GIRL ASKED HIM.

But most importantly, as we mentioned in the first few lines of today's episode, what were his "intentions"? Could it be that he has FEELINGS for this lady? Could it be that he is a predatory crocodile, wanting to get this nite-cycling opportunity to GET HITCHED? Could he be harbouring FORBIDDEN LOVE for this lady? WOULD THE LADY ACCEPT HIM? Ah, intentions, intentions and more intentions, all will be revealed in the third, and the concluding part of "Days that shook the World".

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