Thursday, October 18, 2007

"Never shit in you own backyard"

There's so much shit going around, is clearing them considered "sai kang"?

So guess it's time to start to clear some of it. Firstly, I quote, 'This is a dramatised reconstruction of true events.' The actual event itself is of course much watered down and boring.

Here are parts of the conversation:

P: u there?
Lady: yo!
Lady: im here now!
P:just wondering.. so wat lawrence said is true ah? u wanna ask me for nite cycling is it?
(Lady didn't reply for a long time)
Lady: hey sorry! was running ard the blk jus now.. ahaha.. why? u wana ask me ah?
P: haha... dun mind...
(Again disappears, P starts to panic)
Lady: hey sorry! went ard blk again..
Lady: realized that some of my clan ppl asked ***** to ask me for the nightcycling.. but ***** havent confirm
P: haha.... ic ic...
P: how come u keep running round the blk?
Lady: haha coz my neighbours all busy.. then left lvl* ones.. so ive to go there lorh..
P: oic...
Lady: ok. i can go with u! hahaa
P: nvm... if ***** ask u then it's ok..
P: it's up to u..
(Lady went offline, P went "maybe she need some time to think")
Lady: hey sorry got log out
Lady: can go with u.. i just need u to build up more muscles so that u can ride with me!! hahaahaa...
P: lol...
P: haha... i'll try...
P: eh u can run loh...
Lady: hahaaa running still ok.. cycling.. errr... got problem
P: it's almost the same thing ....both need leg power n stamina
Lady: hey so how? ride with u? confirm!?
Lady: ???
P: alrite then
Lady: ok! gtta slp alredyy!!
Lady: gdnight!!
P: nitez!

So there you have it, the truth and nothing but the truth. And come on, I'm not like asking someone for a date. It's just nite cycling. If it's a date, I'll go ask personally lah. Since when asking someone out was condemned on msn...

Sighz.. first post already doing "sai kang"...

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