Tuesday, October 16, 2007

CS Debrief 15.10.07

After long last the brotherhood finally took back to the sacred corridors of CS_Fastline, attempting to infiltrate an unsuspecting MRT station and blow the crap out of the counter-terrorists. Time however had taken its toll on the rusty insurgents, and the CT's seemed to have made other plans too, the carnage seldom going further than the first set of turnstiles as they massacred us 17-2 within the first ten minutes. Even Metalaway was playing like he had one too many erdingers the night before, his disGRACEful statistics leaving him at least 2 notches below the top spot we expect him to be at. The entire course that game 1 took could be summed up by one line typed during the game by Metalaway after our entire team was reduced to dust in a matter of seconds at an ambush at the escalator. All he said were two words - "we're fucked." And at that moment, all i could think of was this time magazine cover, and thats when i knew it was time we pulled out of Iraq.

After getting creamed to the point where we were broke and battered, a re-start and re-group was called, and after a few 'cheebais' and 'wake up you ideas' flew across the wing, it was certain that there would be no more second chances after this. We had to do this together, do this as a team, and do it ponding style - hard, fast, first.

And so the counter-attack began, with Mulder storming the front in typical fashion, Sprecher picking off dead bodies as Metalaway would get to them a second sooner, Obama getting head-shot every time he had enough money to buy his BIG gun, Buangster running rampage with his trusty shotgun and Ma Xiao Ling as usual doing his own thing coz he's one block away, and also, that's just his style.

But things were starting to look normal again, flawless victories, good communication, effective ghosting and lots of buang grenades thrown by the Buangster, upon which he exclaimed - "Sorry la, i release too early". Bro, just between the six of us, that's okay... but just so you know, you don't ever want to find yourself saying that the next time you're with a lady, yeah? :)

Quotable quotes aside, the last leg of the game took on a new dimension of fun when Obama introduced a smoke grenade into the mix, which initially confused the shit out of his team mates but in the end resulted in a complete decimation of the opposing force as a John Woo style battle ensued in that smoke filled corridor, all their bullets missing us and all ours hitting them. After that round of madness, everyone was buying smoke, even though a certain someone hadn't yet figured out how to use it effectively, exacting high decibels kao-pei's from his neighbor. But it was indeed a hilarious sight to see, 6 smoke grenades going off at the bombsite and the poor CT's having no clue whatsoever where the bomb was, as mulder and co. picked them off one by one. Mulder however was a cause of one smoke attack backfiring as he was killed at the vent's opening WHILE THE SMOKE GRENADE WAS UNPINNED IN HIS HAND, causing it to go off right at the mouth of the vent, giving the CT's the perfect screen to run through our ranks.

The endearing image of last night's game however has to be Sprecher trying to communicate with Ma Xiao Ling and get him to follow into the train to flush out the last CT. MXL obviously cant hear us, so Sprecher had to find other creative ways to draw his attention and get the idea across. So he shoots a couple of round at MXL to draw his attentions, and the starts gesturing and gesticulating by swinging his gun from left to right again and again in order to tell MXL to follow him into the right corridor. It was pure comedy to see the two of them staring each other, sprecher swinging wildly in the direction he wants to go, and MXL just wondering WTF is going on, before turning around and running the other way.

We need to play more guys!

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