Saturday, November 17, 2007

Friendly Senior Advice

Advice no. 42: No matter how ingenious it sounds, don't appeal to CORS to allow you to take 2 modules which have clashing lecture timings, even if you're really sure you can juggle/recap/catch up on whatever you miss out at either one. Sometime, somewhere, something will definitely go wrong.

And that's exactly what ALMOST happened to me on thursday. Every thursday of this semester, I have my USP Cyberarts seminar from 2-6 which happens concurrently with my 2-hour Mech Engg module. I really needed to take both modules this sem so I managed to appeal and get the university to allow me to register for both. Since the ME module is on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I made it by this semester by only going for the Tuesday class from 4-6 and attending the entire Cyberarts class on Thursdays from 2-6.

Unfortunately, the last few weeks of the semester saw the ME lectures come to a close, only to be replaced by lab sessions that were 10% CA each. Though the first two of these labs fell on tuesdays, the last compulsory session was to be this Thursday, which also happened to be the last Cyberarts class where we were supposed to present our final projects for the semester. So now i had 2 simultaneous CA's happening on thursday, but thankfully enough, my Cyberart tutor was kind enough to let me and my group present first, so that I could leave by 4pm and head for the other CA at the lab.

However disaster still struck as I had happily assumed the lab was from 4-6 (recollect that I had never attended this lesson on a Thursday before, and the tuesday slot was 4-6) and at about 5 minutes past 2pm, as i'm setting up my computer for the presentation, i get a call from Neo Jun Leong asking me where the @%$^ I am because the lab has already started. Yes, on thursdays, our ME class apparently happens from 2-4. So i had to frantically apologize to my teacher for the mixup, promise her that i will be back by 4 to present, and run from USP to the lab at E3. All this while i was sick and with another term paper due at 2359 that same night.

Moral of the story: Check your timetable properly. Better yet, don't leave things for last minute. Better yet, don't take two modules that run concurrently. Even better yet, don't take Mech Engg and USP because the combo #$@%ing sucks and every semester all the modules I want/need to take always !%#@ing clash.

But that said, i still love school :D

Finally, after such a harrowing day, which ended with me submitting my paper at 2353hrs, I decided to go and try out level7's supper and it was pretty darn good. Pasta with cheese sausage and a complimentary pocky on the side. Haha. Yummy stuff. Can check out their blog at
Their cooking's really good. But their business model needs a serious overhaul.

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