Monday, November 19, 2007

The Day The Glass Broke

It was one of those lazy Mondays. You know there's no school and you should be studying...
Woke up for breakfast at 8.30am but hit the bed again till like 12 noon.

The winds were picking up and the sky was darkening, I was at the corridor asking Junming
how was he settling his lunch when it happened. The loud sound of glass shattering caught everyone's attention. I looked across and just said, "Deja vu sia. Not again."

This wasn't the first time the glass door broke. This was the second. Kenneth opened his door and gave the WTF look. He looked over at me trying to find the answer, but the block auntie appeared from the lift lobby.
"Aiyo, I heard the glass breaking from level 1 lah and rushed up here." She said in a mix of chinese and english. She rushed to get the broom while I grabbed my camera to take photos.
It woke up the whole level I might add. But luckily no one was hurt. The incident was report to the office shortly afterwards.

Apparently, the winds were so strong it slammed the door in and shattered the glass inwards.

Oh well... another day at level 8...

Flashback to June holidays....
This time it was a saturday morning. There was a thunderstorm raging outside. Everyone was sleeping, knowing they don't need to wake up so early compared to the weekdays doing internships and attachments. Again the loud shatter woke everyone up.

I was staying in Darius's room that time. I opened my room to see the damage right in front of my door. My shoes were filled with glass fragments. It really looked like a scene out of a Hollywood set. Like some monster had jumped through the door and smashed the glass.

We didn't have the luxuary of blk auntie to come clean up the mess and had to sweep, pick and brush all the glass fragments up. Even so, some of the fragments were so small I had to brush all my slippers and shoes with a used toothbrush to make sure all were gone. When Monday came, I heard the whole office came to view the damage. A few weeks later, the guys came to replace the door.
Oh well, one of the perks (or not) of staying near the rooftop.

For 8 Short---

(Abhi showing how big the hole was.)

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