Friday, January 25, 2008

The Longest Day

I don't think that since the time Winston Churchill first said it during WWII, have the lives of so many depended on so few.

Ok so i'm a sucker for hyperbole. But nonetheless, the cocktail of ecstasy and adrenaline that rushed through your body once the referee blew the final whistle was comparable to hearing 'Sheares Hall' declared winners of a coveted shield at Rag. And the strangest part is that it was just a prelim game. It shouldn't have been so close. But we went through with the slimmest of margins, hitting our exact target of a 2 goal victory, coming back off a loss, coming back from a 3-nil start, to take a place in the semis. Too close for comfort I tell you.

And that's why the title of this post. Friday is my packed day - 10 to 6 with a lunch break. And in none of my 6 hours of lecture could I pay full attention to what was going on in class, whether it was the baby carrier that broke apart in our materials failure case study, or questioning the definition of life in my complexity lesson, or finally the agonizingly long final lesson from 4-6 on heat cycles where I was constantly shaken from my peaceful slumber by a certain Neo Jun Leong. But I digress. None of us I bet was fully concentrating on academic matters today, our eyes fixed on the clock ticking away ever so slowly to the fateful hour. All we could think of was the game. We'd gotten ourselves into this precarious position by losing to TH, thus forcing ourselves into a do-or-die game tonight, and to make matters worse it was a derby!

But in the end all the anxiety and anticipation, cold feet and sweaty palms, ended in relief as we clawed our way back into the competition. The derby was a nail-biter and surprisingly didn't get ugly at any point of time (kudos to KR too for playing with good spirit!).

However the biggest thank you has to go out to the supporters who did come down to cheer us on, even as the Sea of Orange was thinned due to the concurrent chingay dance rehearsal.

To the 8 short boys, old and new, thanks for always being by our side without fail, spurring the crowd on whenever there's a lull, and being our pillars of strength whenever needed.

To the level 7 girls (and joyce the wolf-crier too!) thanks for coming down and shrieking away to glory and getting an earful for your earfuls too! Your unabashed support is greatly appreciated!

Lookin' forward to getting this show on the road - semifinals on Monday - another day of
misplaced concentration and anticipation.

Hope to see you all there again!!

PS. This also happens to be our blog's post number 42 :D

The Girl who cried Wolf

IF there is one thing we should learn, it would be to not believe a certain unnamed blockhead! On the night when Block C was having mass ponding session, certain unnamed blockhead used her authority to charm unsuspecting victims out of their rooms, much to the delight of the ponders.

Tricking the victims into believing that she had valid reasons to ask them out of their rooms, this unnamed blockhead is as cunning as a fox. And nerves, she definitely have nerves, to try to test her trickery on 8Short.

But warning drums were sounded and 8Short promptly barricaded themselves. When this certain unnamed blockhead reached 8Short, she only found locked and empty rooms.


In fact her top target, an unnamed swimming captain was quietly enjoying himself in a locked room (girl not included). The rest, hiding in their rooms waiting for reinforcements.

The 3 hiding stooges..

Sensing that she was outwitted, she proceeded to attack Ian's slightly ajar door. First, using soft persuading method (read: crying wolf) to get Ian out. Then, using her deadly water gun, she managed to wet Ian's bed! But Ian wouldn't give up even if it meant flood in his room.

Ian's wet bed!

Again, failed to claim any 8Short victim, she called Abhi pretending (again crying wolf!) that she had some problems and wanted to see him. Such trickery! Unknown to her, our dear Abhi had already received advanced warning. Finally she had to give up her desire to claim an 8Short victim.

But 8Short brotherhood is strong. And thus we plotted a fitting get back to teach this unnamed blockhead a lesson she won't forget too easily. We will let the video tell the story.

Nevertheless, 8Short loves YOU!!

The Girl who cried Wolf

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Week 2 and Already Foolin' Around?

It's 0230 hrs on a Wednesday, and 8 short is BUSTLING! Ah, good times are here again. All 6 doors wide open at wee hours of the night and plenty of interesting activity ongoing within, music ebbing and flowing from room to room - one can literally feel the brotherhood and cameraderie oozing out into the corridors. A brief camera scan of the area reveals each resident's source of nocturnal activity...

Clockwise from top left: Jung Kiat catching up on the news around the world, me trying to design a new E-shack poster (i'm behind the camera for now), Ian browsing thru his photos to find something suitable for the competition, Jun Ming returning from his hourly bath, and Lawrence psyching himself up for the upcoming handball game. And that pretty much wraps it up.. NO, WAIT.. we've forgotten about someone....

And this is truly what makes the 8short brotherhood special.. It's at times like these that you wonder that with comrades as such, who needs enemies? There you are, happily exchanging massages with an unnamed girl (to protect identity) in the comfort of your corner room, and before you know it your neighbors have already snapped enough suggestive pictures to put the paparazzi to shame.. wtf were you thinking Fulin?


LOLWTFpwned! Welcome to 8short Brother He! No one is safe here. But thank you for making our lives so much more exciting with your irresistible presence. We look forward to many more nights of scandal and sensation in your company! And our young padawan Jung Kiat is still looking for someone to teach him the ways of the force...

All hail the master!

even other halls' cameras are pointed towards him!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

8Short Quality Time - Part 2

Saturday morning saw our action packed weekend continue its' activities at the SRC swimming pool. with the swimming IHG and opening ceremony taking place, and each one of our 8shorters were actively involved - ian, lawrence and fulin swimming, jung kiat and potato doing marshal duties, and abhi trying his best to rouse up the sea of orange from the stands. Potato and Jung Kiat should look for a career in being professional marshals as they not only possess the 'look' but also now have a few swim meets and rags of experience under their belt.
We are Marshal!

All in all, it was a rather enjoyable day at the poolside, doing impromptu cheers with the SWOCs and raffles hall, and even though the sunshine was harsh, almost every Shearite present had a chance to cool off in the water as hardly anyone was spared in the mass ponding that ensued.

It was also a great debut for newcomer Fulin, who was the center of attraction not only for being the swim captain, but for the hordes of girls who kept crying out his name in ecstasy each time her emerged from the pool.

But the morning's swim and handball training took its toll on everyone as the rest of the afternoon and evening was spent in playing sleep-relay where people kept falling asleep and waking up at routine intervals, walking around to see who else was awake, and going back to sleep after realizing that everyone else was pretty much doing the same thing, hence restarting the vicious cycle.

More pictures from the day:

is that Lawrence washing his trunks in the pool? eww

8short rookie, trying to hard to live up to our hotness reputation


8short swimmers: ian, fulin, law, potato

the past, the future, the random angmoh, the present

8Short Quality Time - Part 1

The doldrums are over,
the holidays are gone,
the term's underway,
and we're again siao on.

Yes its true, 8short is back to its old ways, owing much to the completion of resident mugger Heng Jung Kiat's submission of his FYP and the utter disregard amongst the rest of us for our own projects. Potato moved out, Fulin moved in and started complaining that level 8 is quite quiet of late, so we've decided to rectify the situation in honor of our newest member. Ironically though, he couldn't join us for most of our recent activities - but fear not - there shall be many more to come.

So as for now, its been daily breakfasts at around 8am whereabout Jung Kiat will come around waking people up in a novel manner each day, drawing on his creativity time and again to figure how next to shake us from our slumber. Highlights include blowing the little SMB horn in our ears, to spraying deep heat, to even jumping on the edge of our beds causing the unsuspecting snoozer to roll off his bed. Good times.

Besides breakfast, the first outing was our post-departure reunion with potato, where we went o vivocity to watch Cloverfield on friday night.

We'd been waiting to watch this a realllly long time. Here's my review: Its definitely worth watching in a cinema to best experience and appreicate JJ Abram's production brilliance, but perhaps not worth watching on a weekend for the casual movie-goer. As for the movie per se, it was like watching 3 seasons of Lost in 90 minutes. Too many questions, too few answers, great thrills and mysteries, but no satisfaction. The first 89 minutes were noteworthy.

In short, it was enjoyable till it got over.

Here are pictures from the night

JK Testing Ian's vision without his specs. Question: How many fingers? Answer: Three. (correct ans is 5)

jk and ian gaying it up

outside GV - reunion with potato

jk trapped between the two towers


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hello Goodbye

First lets have a few lines from the Beatles song of the same name, to set the mood

You say Yes
I say No
You Say Stop
I say Go Go Go-o-o

No-o No NO

You Say Goodbye
I say Helloooo...

Now let the pictures do the talking

GoodBye Potato!

Hello Fulin!!

We'll miss you potato - do come back and visit us as often as possible, and keep posting on the blog. Fulin, welcome to 8 short! You'll never fully be a replacement for potato, but i guess we'll have to make do with what we have... wahahhaa.. just kidding... great to have you here with us.. here's to a terrific final semester!


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Bidding sucks, but good luck anyway.

It's that time of the year again......

But exactly one year ago, I was so stunned by the bid points and how desperate ppl wanted the module that I did a print screen of the CORS. That's the highest points I've seen or ever will see in my NUS life. So if u think that module u have in mind is hard to get, always think of the odds I had to face.
At the end of the day, I just went down to the Sci office and complained that I needed it to graduate, so they gave it to me in the end. Costing only about 600pts (average of all the points used in all rounds). To the person who spent 2k on it, I hope it was ur graduating sem.