Sunday, January 20, 2008

8Short Quality Time - Part 2

Saturday morning saw our action packed weekend continue its' activities at the SRC swimming pool. with the swimming IHG and opening ceremony taking place, and each one of our 8shorters were actively involved - ian, lawrence and fulin swimming, jung kiat and potato doing marshal duties, and abhi trying his best to rouse up the sea of orange from the stands. Potato and Jung Kiat should look for a career in being professional marshals as they not only possess the 'look' but also now have a few swim meets and rags of experience under their belt.
We are Marshal!

All in all, it was a rather enjoyable day at the poolside, doing impromptu cheers with the SWOCs and raffles hall, and even though the sunshine was harsh, almost every Shearite present had a chance to cool off in the water as hardly anyone was spared in the mass ponding that ensued.

It was also a great debut for newcomer Fulin, who was the center of attraction not only for being the swim captain, but for the hordes of girls who kept crying out his name in ecstasy each time her emerged from the pool.

But the morning's swim and handball training took its toll on everyone as the rest of the afternoon and evening was spent in playing sleep-relay where people kept falling asleep and waking up at routine intervals, walking around to see who else was awake, and going back to sleep after realizing that everyone else was pretty much doing the same thing, hence restarting the vicious cycle.

More pictures from the day:

is that Lawrence washing his trunks in the pool? eww

8short rookie, trying to hard to live up to our hotness reputation


8short swimmers: ian, fulin, law, potato

the past, the future, the random angmoh, the present