Exams are around the bend. Everyone's busy
Term papers, lab reports, job hunting's not easy
Comm's have closed, no recent ponding
Even been missing out on our breakfast bonding
Played boardgames last night
With Pot, Grace and Pon
Settlers and Citadels
Till the break of dawn
Jake, where are you
hope everything's alright
and its just academia
thats keeping you away at night
For some of us, final year
is merely a formality
For others its the last chance
to make our dreams reality
For some its the final stretch
after 3 hard fought laps
just need one final push
to solidify our CAPs
For some of us its not even a year
but just one final sem
"Should I try and up my grades
so that I can spend more time with them?"
Its a pensive time for all of us
But time doesn't plan to wait
Could that explain the lull on the blog
Reflecting the doldrums in level 8?
But winds one day will blow
As doldrums they come and go
Once we see these waters through
We'll be back soaring through the yonder blue
Lets not forget our dear James
(my apologies for protecting some names)
His special day is coming near
so ready the soakers and the beer
And there's our good luck dinner
which promises to be a winner
So up the spirits
and burn the oil
its time to mug
its time to toil
but all work and no play
is just plain... gay
so lets rework our clocks
unfasten our locks
and start the new week
with the breakfasts we seek
and get back in this together
through fair and foul weather
Jake we miss you man. Hope to see you spreching soon